Thursday, December 6, 2012

Men or Meal?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The sun rises 10:34 AM at and sets at 2:39 PM The winter solstice will occur in 14 days marking the absolute end to the vanishing sun, and the point I’ve been waiting for, the final run up to the eternal day light. Today, the length of the day is: 4 hours 24 minutes  The length of the night is: 19 hours 35 minutes. 

Just about all of nature must sleep to survive; all creatures that don’t hibernate must adjust their internal clocks to try and stay alive with 4 hours of light. Moose and caribou are the ones that must continue eating day and night to stay alive and they simply do this by walking around and any eating any willow bushes with new tender growth,their ever present snack.  I really don’t know how the raven’s survive with four hours of day to find trash or dead things that may happen to die from things like cold weather.

Well, I look at nature and see all different kinds of male and female relationships; but except for spiders and mantis all seem to deal with males in a natural way.  Spiders and the mantis I guess you can say that as soon as the male deposits his sperm into the female, he goes from mate to check-mate chow; watching the female rip his head off and beginning chomping on it seems so cruel, so barbaric, so, so ahhhh perfectly human. 

The task of the human female is not getting a source of sperm, rather, the more difficult task is to get the male to believe that the fun he wants to have is still really fun when your ten seconds of rush binds you to 20 years of child support.  You ever wonder why women think they are superior to males?? Ten seconds for 20 years.  Hey lets roll again, bing, another ten seconds for an extended load of 25 years. How will you support your ten second joy times?  You will join the Military OR work for a government defence contractor; hey making nuclear cruise missiles pays a lot of money.  Why should you care if the work of your hands will kill cities; believe me, your wife or any wife doesn't care what supports babies.  If you are a paid serial killer, just don't bring your work home.

If men would like to learn how Nature planned for human females to respond to human males, you will need to study up on a more mature culture; by this I mean a group of people with a pure single ethnic identity and a history unbroken for several thousand years.  Ah..Native Americans are a good source for right living, but oops! I forgot the Declaration of Independence conveniently renamed these humans to "savages" and they were the first to be deleted on a l..o..n..g list of human beings who are scheduled for death by the only nation that makes its living by killing.

The mantis is a clearer image of Natures way that males serve the delicate needs of females.  Funny, ever where I've ever taught, ever female student in high school says, "Yes, when I finish college, I'm going to start having babies" I have to stop and ask her how she plans on doing this,  It seems that all women think that they are just like "Our Lady of The Immaculate Contraption" able to have babies just because babies happen.

The thing that Asian cultures consider is genealogical lineage because traits are passed on like being an artist or being a drunk.  The Hebrew Text says it more clearly, that the sin of the parents will be passed on from parents to children as far as the third or forth generation. It took eleven years of research to see this in a human society that honors correct living and respect, all children and people are healthy and you can’t find one disabled person. I am so amazed that I lived there for more than a decade BUT I know that in my messed up American genes I carry thing I know about my family that I will die before I close my eyes for the last time knowing I passed along my load of ancestral trash.  Americans have so may disabled and sick people for a reason, not a good one. So honestly, my conscience is clearer knowing I didn't dump the link of sin from my family heritage on to some else's bunch of sin. 

I feel sorry for a young handsome Korean man who married this absolutely beautiful move star looking blond.  Initially thought, "Wow, whoever marries this gal is going to be fortunate.  Now that I know the American social the gene pool is about as hopeful as a cesspool; it's now sad to think of the Korean man with his ten thousand year old genetically honed to perfection ancestral line found in his genes, put through a sewage treatment plant, no matter how beautiful it may appear on the outside. 

I was in the military at one time and I'm grateful it was for defensive not offensive efforts; after all, how scary is flying in a plane with a super powered metal detector inside; yep, a giant metal detector for finding submarine by the way they distort magnetic fields. It was fun while I was twenty-two years old.  

The single most outstanding feature of American society that the world sees, is the fact that the United States and its people really do have this superiority attitude which tells the world “We already know it all and we DON’T want to know how you live your lives.  We are free people even though you may think we are slaves to feeding our face, having sex with anything that moves, we are FREE to do anything we want, any time we want and if you DON’T agree, we will note you on our list of “Nations to Destroy”  We are an honorable country and keep our promise. Do you have a preferable time to be invaded?”

Asian culture (not with online books) by picking China. I would suggest Korea, BUT foreigners have no tact when dealing with Korea and with the impact of recent bad foreigners has left some negative results.  Chinese have similar cultural attitudes about family unity and the importance of hard work and moral purity. They are a more home bound society than Korea.  Koreans have a very super strict adherence to Confucianism is NOT a religion, it's a set of rules.  This is a good source of infermation 

Oh yes, now I remember.  I was going to put a front page disclaimer letting people know that my site has no pornography or news about the latest ways to grow the best pot.  Instead, this site contains information on how to get out of this life "ALIVE."

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