Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Goat Crater

Goat Crater is named for the meteorite impact site in the open farming flat lands. Named so because the first life to appear on the enormous craggy rim of the impact site, were goats in herds; attempting to escape predators. The goats found the carter's rim of steep rocky debris to be a perfect haven. The natural response of the goats was to run from a threat by climbing the otherwise lifeless region extending out considerable distance from the impact site.

The amount of atmospheric dust and vaporized ash that accompanied this first ELE recorded in human history, immediately summonsed world specialist on climatology to address urgent needs for developing world food supply plans.

Other critical emergencies had been placed near the bottom of a lengthy list of global concerns; among these were the life threatening changes occurring in the planetary regions of the arctic. Due to low population density.  people in these regions were rapidly falling victim to hypothermia resulting from failures associated with usually common fuel transport systems. It was thought that the inhabitants of the Far North had innate skills to survive in their extreme location, this assumption was premature and inaccurate.

However, recent years had brought an influx of people from southern climates who simply chose to endured the cold; yet never expecting temperatures so low that propane gas would not flow unless heat were applied to external tanks.


The decrease in sunlight brought on an instant "ice age" in far north planetary regions, where temperatures dropped so low, that transportation had seized up in the near Martian climates. This critical issue mandated immediate evacuation of survivors, however, all options for escape had been disabled by temperatures which caused the permafrost protected city water lines to explode in what appeared to be steaming geysers of Yellowstone National Park.

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Personal Note: The event brought to mind the old song by Perry Como, entitled: "Catch A Falling Star."

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