Friday, December 21, 2012

Mayan Prophecy Fulfillment in Mayan Time

Unseen Worlds

Are They Real?

An advanced civilisation existed long before white man with his Neanderthal habits and appetites arrived on the scene.  These people were the Mayans, a people with advanced scientific and mathematical skills going way back in time amidst the years B.C.2500 to A.D.250.  These ancient people had skills to forecast astronomical events that would impact the earth ending all life.; however, the end of planetary life and efforts to facilitate survival was most important to these amazing Mayans.

I begin to write this as a witness to an event occurring today, a powerful event that is beyond my ability to explain without jeopardising the wonder of a process started, one I can't explain but certainly have no desire to  which I never want to disturb or hinder; for me (as the silent witness sitting in the corner) I sat and watched as a miracle unfolded at a place with a reputation for misguided business practices.

Putting everything together isn't the task of advanced rocket scientists, the ordinary person can figure it out; and anyway, an all powerful Love God would "perk" Creation's conscience (for those in the West who may just have a working version of the concept). Everyone is aware of how animals can respond in advance to catastrophic events, phenomenon that humans (isolated in their concrete and glass urban sarcophagus) lose contact with.

So, what is "The Game" objective? Establish connection with the Source of Life so you know exactly how amazingly close the imminent departure point is. Remember, went salmon spawn, so precious few make it to the silent pool of their origin. Where in that point of origin? All of Creation knows that Life depends upon being one with the Sun of Righteousness. Not hard to understand why few will ever comprehend the Mayan Mind, what they knew about cycles in the heavens as well as how to be ready for Departure.


As it is late, elaboration is forth coming.  Until then, I've made an effort to explain with a link to my blogs.  

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